Umbrella City Lines will take over suburban public transport in some parts of Ústí nad Labem region

Another region to which our company Umbrella City Lines is expanding is the Ústí nad Labem region. From 1 December 2022, Umbrella will provide transport services in the Most Basin area, the Chomutov area and the Kadaň-Žatec area.

Team Umbrella Mobility   |   3. 6. 2022

For these three areas, we have decided to purchase brand new Setra 415 LE buses with the highest possible outfit. These are premium low-floor buses that are equipped with split air conditioning for passengers and drivers. The cars have the most powerful engine, automatic transmission, cruise control, all safety features and driving assistant, large comfort wheels and other equipment that will be appreciated by both passengers and drivers. In addition, passengers will be able to recharge their electronic devices on buses, and Wi-Fi connection will be available to them. Moreover, while driving, the information system will show them the online location of the bus.

For urban and suburban bus transport in the Ústí nad Labem region, the company has purchased the same buses the passengers are used to in Germany, where Umbrella has been operating successfully for many years. "Although the price of one such bus exceeds EUR 200,000 excluding VAT, we are convinced that we have made the right decision from a long-term operational point of view," Pavel Steiner, owner and CEO of Umbrella, told the server.

Umbrella City Lines has been awarded contracts for suburban public transport in the Chomutov area, Most Basin area and Kadaň-Žatec area for 10 years. Umbrella in Jablonec nad Nisou won the historically first tender in the Czech Republic for urban and suburban public transport. From 1 February 2021, in addition to urban public transport, it also provides bus transport in the surrounding municipalities involved in the Transport Association of Jablonec Municipalities. Starting from June 12, 2022, the company will take over suburban public transport in the vicinity of Přelouč in the Pardubice region.

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